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The states in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+6Posted:2018-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: confederate statesconfederate states of americatestateintestatefourth estateestates generaltestatorStatesMeaning: n. North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776. 
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(151) An interstate council was to be established to monitor relations between the states and central government.
(152) The states would get grant to help these working families buy coverage.
(153) One of the states has seceded from the federation.
(154) It'set out principles guiding relations between the states.
(155) Einstein's family set off for the States in 1933.
(156) The stars in the American flag represent the States.
(157) Russia and the States, art student and Orthodox Jew.
(158) The road traffic sign has behavior and dynamic difference according to the states of information transmitted.
(159) The states that broke away were called The Confederate States of America. The states that remained were called the Union Forces.
(160) After partying hard the night before, Sophia splits from the group to pursue Rob, a hansom young tourist from the states.
(161) The purpose of the article is to show the process of Northern Wei Dynasty building the states and uncover the influence of the state system on Northern Wei's political domination.
(162) Like the states, the federal government has a quasi - property interest in navigable waters.
(163) It is a diverse region consisting of the states of Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu.
(164) In the States, there are basically three types of commission agents, exclusive agents and.
(165) In fact the constitution of 1787 set out to do the opposite: to bolster the centre and weaken the power the states had briefly enjoyed under the new republic’s Articles of Confederation of 1777.
(166) Washington acknowledged these urgings in a letter to Robert Morris on June 3, 1783[], by stating that he would "with greatest freedom give my sentiments to the States on several political subjects."
(167) Thus, each state - and all the states collectively - could counterbalance the central government's power.
(168) In the States, Julia Ward Howe suggested of Mother's Day in 1872.
(169) The states of the unit's relay outputs are determined by the series combination resistance of the leakage and temperature sensors.
(170) The states in the transition table implement the equivalent of the stack in SAXCountHandler.
(171) "The states generally responded positively when discussing efforts to educate growers and others on ASR, " Robert Robinson, GAO Managing Director of Natural Resources and Environment said.
(172) The requisite three fourths of the States will necessarily include seven of the slave States.
(173) The Red Badge of Courage, by the American, Stephen Crane,( states.html) tells about a young soldier in the War between the States who runs away the first time he is in battle.
(174) A vegetable medley of sliced carrots, celery, and cucumber is a popular appetizer in the States.
(175) The first U. S. government, established by the Articles of Confederation, was essentially a union of the states.
(176) The extended states observer is used to estimate the states of continuous-time system, and the system parameters are estimated with the least-squares algorithm.
(177) Nigerian officials have confirmed outbreaks at commercial farms in the states of Kano, Plateau, Katsina, and Bauchi, and in the Abuja area.
(178) French revolutionist. As a member of the States - General ( 1789 - 1791 ) he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
(179) In addition, the BNs is applied to risk analysis module of a real case. The method can update risk data and change the states of risk nodes online.
(180) In the States, a poor enclave , home to a pair of mother and son.
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